Annual Meeting / Elections – October 20, 2015
Consider becoming a member of the Board of Directors and nominating yourself, or another business owner, to participate in the board elections to take place at the Annual Meeting of the Diamond Business Association, Inc. on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the Diamond Business Association Offices, Tubman Chavez Community Center, 415 Euclid Avenue, San Diego, CA 92114. Three (3) seats on the Board will be up for election, two (2) for two-year terms and one (1) for a one-year term. Terms commence November 1, 2015.
For the Board Election, the requirements are few: 1) must be a business in good standing; 2) willingness to attend two meetings a month; 3) have an interest in how the Diamond Business District can be improved; and 4) possess a desire to bring more customers to the Diamond Business District. The rewards are that you will: have a say in how your money is being spent; know more about what is being done to bring new customers to the Diamond; and have a forum to share your ideas.
Don’t delay. Send your nominiations in today. Send your letter, no later than October 13, 2015, stating your interest in serving on our Board to: Nominations Committee, Diamond Business Association, Inc., Tubman Chavez Community Center, 415 Euclid Avenue, San Diego, CA 92114. Be sure to include your business tax certificate number. For more information call Liliana Garcia-Rivera, Executive Director, at 619-255-3604.