Choose your vendor type below.  After your choice is made, the page will reload with the confirmation link to bring you to the payment page on PayPal.  After that, you can either sign into your PayPal account or click on the button that says “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” if you do not have a PayPal account.


Food Truck
Food Truck
10x20 food truck space (with 4% surcharge)
Food Booth
Food Booth
10x10 food vendor space (with 4% surcharge)
Diamond BID MEMBER Food Booth
Diamond BID MEMBER Food Booth
10x10 BID MEMBER food vendor space (with 4% surcharge)
Commercial/Retail Booth
Commercial/Retail Booth
10x10 Commercial/Retail space (with 4% surcharge)
Diamond BID MEMBER Commercial/Retail Booth
Diamond BID MEMBER Commercial/Retail Booth
10x10 BID MEMBER Commercial/Retail space (with 4% surcharge)
Nonprofit Booth
Nonprofit Booth
10x10 Nonprofit space (with 4% surcharge)
Handcrafted Booth (100% handmade)
Handcrafted Booth (100% handmade)
Handcrafted space (with 4% surcharge)